Very Special Events in Melbourne

Sunday July 7 for people aged 3 to 8 years old 10.00am - 11.30am

Wednesday July 10 for people aged 9 to 18 years old. 2.00pm - 4.00pm

In Melbourne that week there will be an event, the International Conference on Thinking (ICOT ) with many interesting people who care a lot about young people having time to play, to be free and safe as who they are no matter how different they may be from each other and live happily and healthily with quality education too.

These special events are being hosted by the Janusz Korczak Association Australia and will be at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre before ICOT begins and in the afternoon when offsite events are happening.
You can meet two of these international people at these special events where you will be playing and talking and having fun and learning more about children’s rights also. One of these people is Professor Jaffe who lives in Geneva and is a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and another, Jonathan Levy who also does so much to help young people including camps for children from different countries.

To find out more about these very special and fun events and if you would like to participate in them, please ask your parents or guardians to open the attached forms for your age group and complete the forms necessary to join these activities.

These events are hosted by the Janusz Korczak Association Australia and there will be no charge for these events.
To register for this activity, access the permission slips for 3-8 year olds here and 9-18 year olds here.

(More information about ICOT can be.        found at:


Janusz Korczak Association