Children’s Wellbeing and Covid National Survey
What has it been like for you living through COVID-19 over the past two years? Please participate in the children’s wellbeing survey by clicking on the link below.

Did you know that you have the right to say what you think and what your ideas are about things happening in your lives?

Following is an Article in the Convention on the Rights of the Child confirming that it is very important that you do this.

“Article 12 - Children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account.”

We are very fortunate to have a National Children’s Commissioner in Australia. Her name is Anne Hollonds. She very much wants to know your thoughts and experiences about living with COVID and I do hope you will participate in this survey and invite your parents and grandparents for their thoughts about this too in a survey for adults. By doing this, you will help Anne Hollonds understand what it has been like for children during these years of COVID and what could be done to help children more.

Are you the parent, grandparent or carer of a child aged 9 to 17? We want to hear from you!
National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds is inviting children and their families to participate in a survey about how living through the past two years of COVID-19 has affected children's mental health and wellbeing.
Your insights and experiences will help inform the support services that children and young people need as we continue to deal with the impacts of COVID-19 and as we emerge from it.
There’s one survey for children and another for parents, which both take around 10 minutes to complete and are strictly confidential.
Click here to take the short survey.


Janusz Korczak Association